Classic Software
Customer: Classic Software (
Orem, Utah

Classic Software (Classic) is a leading provider of logistics management software to the U.S. trucking industry and offers single-entry, fully-integrated operations dispatch and accounting programs with optional modular components such as Vehicle Maintenance, Work Orders, Inventory and Purchasing.

Business Drivers: With a large percentage of its user base deploying on UNIX, Classic had historically been challenged to deliver real-time data access and user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) environments for its COBOL-based programs deployed across the Web.

Solution: The isCOBOL Application Platform Suite (isCOBOL APS) enabled Classic to move from a two hour update window for data files to a real-time, live view of data across the Internet. Since isCOBOL APS provides a 100% Java-based GUI interface and is able to execute on any device running the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Classic is now able to deliver the same GUI across all of its supported platforms and can easily introduce graphical enhancements to all of its customer base.

"Veryant's responsive support team and the high degree of compatibility between isCOBOL and ACUCOBOL-GT made for a seamless transition," said Ryan Hawkins, Vice President, Classic Software. "Deploying with isCOBOL APS means we are now able to offer an identical GUI interface to all of our customers, regardless of their deployment platform of choice."