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Home > All Categories > isCOBOL General > Performance  Get RSS XML Feed RSS Feed  |  Suggest Question  |  Search
Question's List List of Questions available in "Performance"
  1. Does Veryant have any performance benchmarks for isCOBOL? (viewed 6595 times)
  2. Long time to restore minimized application (viewed 6120 times)
  3. How can I set memory in Java to have better runtime performance? (viewed 4804 times)
  4. How can I optimize the strings management? (viewed 4138 times)
  5. How can I improve the startup time? (viewed 3861 times)
  6. Why start using the OCCURS DYNAMIC? How to save memory by replacing your fixed arrays (viewed 1473 times)
  7. How can I improve the startup time? (viewed 1400 times)
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